- Where do all those socks actually go? You know the ones....the ones that disappear in the dryer.
- Why is it that the buttons on blouses are on a different side than those on shirts?
- How does a coffee bean know to not include caffeine when growing?
- What was that first guy thinking when he saw a chicken plop something out its rear and decided to eat it?
- Why do strawberries wear their seeds on the outside?
- What training do "training bras" actually provide?
- How does a thermos know when to keep something hot or cold?
- Who decided it would be fun to put all those subscription cards throughout magazines?
- Just when WERE the "Good ol' Days"?
- How does the gas pump know when I've put enough in the tank?
- What is the shelf-life of Spam? Does it even HAVE a shelf-life?
- Do turtles change shells like hermit crabs?
- Why don't they make flavored glue to go on envelopes?
- Why is it that when I blow my nose my head feels like it's shrinking? Is snot actually brain matter?
- And on that topic, what is the purpose of snot? I mean, I have a sinus infection even as I write, and that stuff just keeps on producing! Why?
- What do I do with all those remotes in my house?
- If I enter *.del on my phone, will the telemarketers be deleted?
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Last December at the library, *The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up* b by
Marie Kondo jumped off the shelf at me. For years, I've tried to get
organized a...
10 years ago