Monday, August 25, 2014

Dark Side of the Road

Dark Side of the Road

(Apologies to Bob Dylan)

“Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” speaks to me……..

I am going through changes in my life
Some good, some suck
But change is good for me

My music speaks to me every day
Just trying to understand it all
And I’m not there yet……
Some don’t understand how IMPORTANT music is to me
So be it…….
I will NOT change that…….I can’t
But change is coming……..
Going home or coming home?

That has yet to be determined……..
I have fallen out of your good graces
And that is my fault, not your problem

Saturday, August 23, 2014



Waters flow naturally
In the hopes of meeting
The larger frontier

They just meander aimlessly
Collecting secrets from the surroundings             
And taking them forward to the next realm

Life is sort of like those creeks
Its wanders around
Looking for the right path

The creeks either come together            
With a common goal      
Or they put more ground between them

Ultimately they come to terms
Come together or part
But they always continue to flow……..

I Took a Walk Today

I Took a Walk Today

The sun was rising and the birds were singing their early morning songs.
It was beautiful.

For many years I have been trying to clear my head.
I have changed in so many ways……
And most changes are not good for me or anyone else in my life

Why is it that I long for change in this world?
Change to finally accept people as people
Regardless of how they choose to live their lives……..
And yet I am unwilling to change myself?

Stubborn?  Yes!
Ignorant?  Yes!
Troubled?  Yes!
Giving up?  HELL NO!

It is with this non-rhyming poem
That I hope to read each morning
Before I make another bad decision
And listen to my music for quiet meditation at home

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Summer Fades With August

Another Summer Fades With August

August seems to be a month for transitions
No holidays, no special occasions……just August alone

We move into another season
As she struggles with the changes
Forced on her every year

Kids return to class
Parents adjust to schedule changes
Birds begin to prepare for cold

We have become a world of pain
Wars rage, people starve, the planet changes
And yet we move on

I do see hope in all this mess
Hope that there is always hope
It’s all we have left

Music takes me home everyday
A magical path out
That never fails me………