It must have been a writer...or a teacher....who in their right mind came up with the concept of adjectives? And why have these little morsels been given such a prominent place in our language? Imagine, if you will, the time we spend muddying our way through all those descriptives to find the end of a sentence...or a paragraph...or a book....or a conversation. How many voice mail messages do you receive where what should have only taken 30 seconds to communicate your message actually took just over 3 minutes...and the time runs out. You either have to call the person back, and suffer through more adjectives, or the bozo leaves you a second message to continue the deluge of words. And the second message is longer than the first and you're STILL scratching your head wondering "what the hell did he say?". Perhaps it would make more sense to this "information society" if I explained it this way: You wouldn't run out of minutes if you'd cut out the adjectives!
Enough said, right? I think I'm going to sit out on the deck, in the chilly, night air and enjoy the brisk, late-winter breeze as it wanders through the tassled locks of curly brown hair that has chosen my cerebral appendage as its resting place. GEEZ!
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Last December at the library, *The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up* b by
Marie Kondo jumped off the shelf at me. For years, I've tried to get
organized a...
10 years ago
1 comment:
Here you go - I've taken out the adjectives for you. :) I didn't bother the last paragraph.
It must have been a writer...or a teacher....who in mind came up with the concept of adjectives? And why have these morsels been given place in language? Imagine, if you will, the time we spend muddying our way through descriptives to find the end of a sentence...or a paragraph...or a book....or a conversation. How many messages do you receive where what should have only taken seconds to communicate your message actually took minutes...and the time runs out. You either have to call the person back, and suffer through more adjectives, or the bozo leaves you a message to continue the deluge of words. And the message is longer than the first and you're scratching your head wondering "what did he say?". Perhaps it would make sense to this "society" if I explained it this way: You wouldn't run out of minutes if you'd cut out the adjectives!
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