only lasts for a brief moment......
It grabs you with a blanket
And tells you to rest
"The bed is already full"
So your lay down on the sofa....and darkness outside rains in......
The 4AM coffee has worn it's course
And the 4:30AM smoke has no meaning
But the 5AM meeting with the most comfortable bed
Beckons its call
"You need your rest.....and I am your resting place"
And so, I lay my head on the rough pillows,
I adjust myself among multi-layers of cats
And their vibrations of purring.....
And their claws of "biscuit making"......
The ol' clock chimes at 5:30 AM.....10 minutes later than reality.......
And then I pass on to the Netherlands............
Monday........... and work beckons..........
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Last December at the library, *The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up* b by
Marie Kondo jumped off the shelf at me. For years, I've tried to get
organized a...
10 years ago
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