For almost 51 years I have waited for the day for America to mature. This day comes on January 20, 2009 and I am thankful to still be around to see this!
Mr. Obama, I wish you the best. You carry a great weight into office, most of which is leftover baggage from the worst President the US has elected. I can thankfully report that I never voted for Mr. Bush. So I have every right to be angry at the mess he has left you.
Think wisely, move cautiously....but move forward! The backwardness of the last 8 years will take time to correct. But I feel we have elected the right man to make the changes we all need and want.
Peace, my friend.
David Gilbert
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
I am with you 100%. It was a helluva fight getting to this point but tomorrow we see the end of a tragic error and can begin rebuilding America.
Brian Wilson
Gainesville, Florida
via Lithonia
And the people said Amen. Or at least this people.
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