I was challenged by the Countess of the Woods to list 10 of my favorite things that begin with the letter "P"......I promise to keep this clean but it goes against my natural instincts!
My List
1. Pound Cake...more specifically Almond-Cream Cheese Pound Cake. This is my seasonal baking speciality. The recipe follows:
Almond Cream Cheese Pound Cake
1 1/2 cups butter, softened
1 (8-oz) pkg. cream cheese, softened
3 cups sugar
6 large eggs
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract + 2 tsp. Almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/8 tsp. salt
Beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed with an electric mixer 2 minutes or until creamy. Gradually add sugar, beating 5 to 7 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating just until yellow disappears. Add vanilla, mixing well.
Combine flour and salt; gradually add to flour mixture, beating at low speed just until blended after each addition. Pour batter into a greased and floured 10-inch tube pan.
Fill a 2-cup, ovenproof measuring cup with wter; place in oven with tube pan.
Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack 10 to 15 minutes; remove from pan, and cool completely on wire rack.
Yield: 1 (10-inch) cake.
2. Pink Floyd-One of the greatest Rock 'n Roll bands of our time. Their music and lyrics have yet to be matched and their artistic ability to take every day sounds and morph them into great music is amazing.
3. Pickles-I am a lover of dill pickles and have the reputation (in the family) of giving every young child their first dill pickle. I also make my own pickles.
4. Tom Petty-Another one of my all-time favorite musicians. He has remained true to what Rock 'n Roll was meant to me....along with his Heartbreakers.
5. Peppers-I am a grower of peppers and make my own salsa...now a world famous necessity for gatherings of all types!
6. Plagarism-da'Wizards spouse is a high school English teacher and often challenges me to prove or disprove plagarized writings from her students. Yea, Google!
7. Plants-Most of my life has be spent growing various types of plants (orchids, succulents, African Violets). The struggle is protecting them and giving their babies nice homes to live and thrive. da'Wizard's spouse, however, is a murderer of plants, so there is a life-long struggle to keep her classroom "Green".
8. Pussy Cats-Yea, you just THOUGHT I was going there! Bad people! I love cats and their unique personalities....da'Wizard's spouse does NOT like cats......no way!
9. Photography-As my family and friends will tell you, I love photography. This goes way back to high school. I purchased my first 35mm and became the head photographer for our high school yearbook. I never let my interest get set aside. I publish my photography, now, at:
10. Pecan Pie-I am a lover of da'Wizard's spouse's Pecan Pie....and it's that time of year! Sorry....no recipe here....SHHHHHH! It's a family secret!
Promise-It is my hope that America has evolved, matured and grown-up. Today is election day and change is needed for our nation to continue in her quest for freedom. I certainly hope you voted.......
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Last December at the library, *The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up* b by
Marie Kondo jumped off the shelf at me. For years, I've tried to get
organized a...
10 years ago
Janet was very brave to give you that letter!
And I fought a hard, mental war to keep it clean....but man I really wanted to "nail it"!
Janet was very stupid. It didn't occur to me until it was too late what he might have done with it.
But the pound cake recipe alone was worth every nail-biting moment!
I have to say that Promise was my favorite :-)
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