The morning after has to be the worst......
A lonely bed, within a lonely house.....
The cats wander, as they do, and seek the comforting hand for food......
The dogs bark, with the familiar sound of a car in the driveway.........
The papers lay in the driveway.....awaiting the 5AM gatherer of news......
The mail nestles itself in it's enclosed box....waiting for the next opening......
The plants long for water....and water is not found.........
The dishes, from the night before, are left in the sink.........
I often think of life after me........and I have to!
I don't wish to pass my burdens on to my wife........for she is such a loving being.
But death does not discriminate..........
I'll try to negotiate the final dance, but it's a dance I'd like to pass on......
And the last dance is on me........as Jackson Browne said....."the last dance we dance..... .....is alone....."
I'd say yes. Hang in there you still got 50 more years in you. Grif
I'd say yes, too. It's a good thing you get to see me on Thursday. You obviously need some distractions.
Why are you talking like you are so old?
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