Monday, May 16, 2005


My wife and I were sitting out on the deck last night. We were watching these wrens that had built a nest in one her gourds. After a few minutes I asked her if this was what we would be doing for the rest of our life, since our youngest daughter is graduating from high school and getting ready to go off to college. She said, "Yea, probably". I told her I thought we could get a smaller place to live if that's all we were going to do. She said "OK!". Now that was a little too up-beat of a response for me, so I told her I didn't have an interest in selling the ol' homestead anytime soon. She agreed, saying "Yea, we probably need to the extra rooms for when the grandchildren come to visit us". I got up and left......


Jon Gilbert said...

Life flows on within you and without you -George Harrison-

Anonymous said...

We made our parents grandparents when they were 50. We're not far away from that, you know.